Pay monthly catalogues are the ones which allow you to pay for the items you purchase every month. Most such catalogues require you to have a personal credit account with them. Retailers that offer this option also generally check your credit history prior to your purchase or do some other form of affordability check such as checking your recent bank statements. As such there are chances for you to get accepted for monthly payments in spite of bad credit history however there is no guarantee. Affordability and credit checks must still be passed before credit is offered.
Catalogue | Rating | Products | Review | Visit |
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8/10 | Electricals, Furniture & Appliances | Read Review | Visit Site |
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7/10 | Fashion, Electricals, Furniture, Gifts | Read Review | Visit Site |
Benefits of Pay Monthly
Pay monthly catalogues are advantageous in some ways as they help you handle your finances by allowing you to pay for expensive items in smaller sums. There will not be any sudden dearth of money as long as you continue to earn and pay accordingly. In fact, some of the stores help you choose the appropriate monthly plan based on your circumstances. Another advantage is that it should be easy to manage the transactions too as the account will display your past purchases and payments, and it’s all available online. Pay Monthly Catalogues are also good in that you don’t have to keep paying monthly if you have sufficient money at some point. You can pay off the total amount when you wish and without early repayment charges. Repayments schedules can go up to four years depending on the item you’re buying and the retailer you’re buying from.
Retailers that offer Pay Monthly Options
Homebuy is one of the largest retailers of household items including electrical items, offering regular weekly and monthly payments. The large purchases are made more affordable by paying for them every week. Homebuy differs from the others as they have been known to be more lenient than other catalogues when it comes to accepting people who have a low credit rating, however each customer must still pass the credit and affordability checks before any credit is offered. Once approved, customers can choose from monthly and weekly options, or even every fortnight.
Littlewoods is another retailer offering free delivery of items. It has a wide range of apparels, electrical items and others. It has many attractive offers including 20% cash back on purchase of electronic goods priced more than £495. If you’re searching for a simple and straightforward catalogue, Littlewoods is the one to go for as it clearly explains the repayment schedules and terms. Argos offers flexible monthly payment options as well. iPads, high quality music systems or the latest smartphones- Argos has many options for users to choose from. Payments are easy to be done and there is no paperwork involved, so this will be the best for impulsive and immediate purchases.
Very is another general catalogue with products ranging from clothing to jewellery to toys. You can avail discounts up to 60% on household items and 40% on dresses and if you are a new customer, you can get 10% discount on your first credit purchase. Very also offers free home delivery. There are also many other alternative options for pay monthly catalogues like Freemans and Isme.